Adding chapters to your audio podcast(.MP3) is a simple yet effective way to enhance the listening experience for your audience. With this feature, your listeners can easily navigate through the episode, find specific content, and engage more with your podcast. 

Note: This feature is available only for users on Podbean’s Unlimited Audio plan or higher. Additionally, chapters can only be added to MP3 files.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to adding chapters to your audio podcast on Podbean:

1. Log in to your Podbean channel dashboard and click on "Episodes".

2. Create a new episode or edit the episode you want to add chapters to.

3. On the "Publish Episode" page, scroll down to the "Add Episode Chapter Markers" section located at the right-bottom of the page.

4. Click "Add Episode Chapter Markers" and then "+Add Chapter" to add the episode chapters.

    a. Start Time(required): Input the start time for the chapter using a specific time code format (e.g., 00:05:30).

    b. Chapter Title(required): Provide a short, descriptive title that accurately reflects the content of the chapter.

5. Save your changes: Once you have added all the chapters you want, click on "Save".

6. Publish your episode: Publish your episode as usual. The chapters will appear on your podcast website player, embeddable episode players, and the Podbean app.

Important Notes:

File Format: Chapters can only be added to MP3 files. If your MP3 file already contains chapters, Podbean will automatically extract and display them.

Podisc Theme Limitation: The Podisc player does not support chapter display. If you’re using the Podisc website theme, chapter information will not be visible.