How to submit your plugin to Podbean:

1. Register as a developer. 

2. Provide and submit your App and company information. 

  • Company Name
  • Developer Contact Name
  • Contact Email
  • App Name
  • Upload an App logo (Image should be square, up to 4000x4000 pixels, and under 2 MB)
  • Redirect URI (Required for inclusion in Podbean's Plugins List)

3. If you're using the app solely for your own podcasting needs, you can click on "Manage App" for the information, app ID, app secret, etc. you will need as you develop and test your app. You can find the API documentation here.

You can stop reading here if the app is intended solely for your own podcasting needs. Continue to read if the app is for potential public use listings.

4. If you want to submit the app for potential public use listings, you will need to provide additional details. Please follow the steps below:


Note: Plugins intended solely for your own podcasting needs do not require submission. Submission of plugins to Podbean does not guarantee approval or listing on the Podbean Plugins Page. Approval is contingent upon Podbean's review and meeting our listing criteria.

  1. Click “Submit to review”. 

  2. Provide detailed company and app information.
  • Short Description
  • Long Description
  • Instructions
  • Screenshots
  • Your Website URL
  • Your Settings URL (Users will be redirected to this url on your site after clicking the settings button of your app in Podbean.)
  • Support Email

       3. Submit the info and the Podbean team will review your app/plugin. 

        Once your app/plugin has been approved, it will be included at You will be notified by email.

We’re excited to invite developers to use our API to develop great new applications for Podbean users. Contact us if you have any questions.

If you want to publish the plugin to Podbean, you can submit your app/plugin to Podbean for reviewing.  Please refer to this link 

If you want to keep your app/plugin private, you can directly get authorized by referring to this link