From your Podcast Dashboard, go to “Settings” > “General” to change your podcast logo, podcast title, podcast description, etc.


  1. Podcast Title
    Make a clear and concise title for your podcast.

  2. Brief Description
    Write a brief description for your podcast. The description is limited to 50K characters, paragraph break is not supported in the podcast description.

  3. Podcast Category
    You can set at most 3 categories. Apple Podcasts only recognizes the first category and subcategory.

  4. Podcast logo
    Set a logo for your podcast. If you want to submit your podcast to Apple, check Apple Podcasts Requirements:
    Artwork must be a minimum size of 1400 x 1400 pixels and a maximum size of 3000 x 3000 pixels, in JPEG or PNG format.

More Options

  1. Podcast Website
    Changing the podcast site URL will also change your podcast feed URL. Please be aware of the concerns before changing the URL.

    Check the following link if you want to set the own domain for your Podbean podcast website:

  2. Author / Owner
    Specify the author for your podcast, and this author's name will also be available in the feed.

  3. Language: The language of your podcast.
    Ensure that you have chosen the correct language for your podcast when utilizing the Podbean AI. See how to set the language for Podbean AI 

  4. Country Of Origin
    The chosen Country of Origin will be displayed in your podcast feed. Some apps use it to define the intended market/territory where the podcasts are relevant to the consumer.

  5. Timezone: The timezone for your podcast account
    If you schedule your episodes’ publish date, it will follow the Time Zone that you set. Should your country observe Daylight Time, please choose the corresponding Daylight Time option.

  6. Podcast Type: The type of your podcast content. This will also affect how the episodes are sorted on your podcast site and in the podcast RSS feed. You have two options to choose from:
    • Episodic: Your episodes will be presented from last to first on your Podbean podcast website and in the feed.
    • Serial: Your episodes will be presented from first to last on your Podbean podcast website and in the feed.

  7. Episode Download Link
    • Show: This option will make the episode download link visible to your listeners. It allows them to download the episode to their local device for offline listening.
    • Hidden: Choosing this option will hide the download link. Listeners will only be able to stream the episode online and won't have the option to download it.