Publishing episodes includes uploading media files, setting episodes logos and editing episode description. You can also edit or delete episodes. 

Publish a Podcast Episode

The process for uploading an audio or video podcast is the same.

Note: uploading video podcasts is a feature that’s available on Podbean’s Unlimited Plus plans and above.

Here’s how to publish an audio or video podcast.

  1. Log into your Podbean account and navigate to the dashboard, then click the "Episodes" - "Episode List" on the left hand column. At the top right corner, click the green "New Episode" button.

  2. Click "Choose a file to upload" to upload your file for your episode. You can also click "Select from Account" to upload a file that’s already in your Media Manager.

  3. Edit the episode title, episode description and upload the episode logo if you wish.

  4. Click “Publish Now” button to release your episode. Your episode will now be published on Podbean and pushed to any third party directories that you've submitted your podcast to.

    Other publishing options:

    1. “Draft”: Click the "Save as a draft" button to save your episode in draft.

    2. “Schedule Episode”: Click the blue arrow next to the "Publish Now" button and Click "Schedule Episode".

While publishing your podcast episode, if you would like to upload custom artwork for a specific episode: 

You can upload a new episode image by clicking on the "Choose new image" button or select an image from "Media Manager" by clicking the inverted triangle for the drop-down menu of the files.

If you do not choose an episode image, your channel logo is used as the default. 

Edit an Episode

You can easily edit or update your episode details by following the steps below:

1. Go to your Podcast Dashboard and click Episodes > Episode List in the left-hand menu.

2. Click the episode title to edit the title, description, media file, image, and other options.

3. After making your changes, click Update. To schedule a future release, click the arrow next to Publish Now and select the date and time.

Note: Changes will appear on your podcast website and feed shortly, but may take longer to reflect on third-party directories, such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify, or for listeners with downloaded episodes, depending on their cache and update mechanisms.

Delete an Episode

You can remove podcast episodes individually or in batches. Once deleted, episodes cannot be undone or restored.

1. Go to your Podcast Dashboard and click Episodes > Episode List in the left-hand menu.

2. Select the episodes you want to delete by ticking the checkboxes beside them.

3. Click Delete to remove the selected episodes.

Note: Deleted episodes are removed immediately from your podcast website and feed but may take longer to update on third-party directories and listeners’ devices, depending on their caching and update mechanisms.

Read More: 

If you want to find different ways to upload files and promote your episodes, please refer to the advanced articles below:

To schedule the time and day for your episode to publish, click here.

To learn how to save your episode as a draft, click here.

To upload files to your account using FTP, click here.

To import files from Dropbox to your Podbean account, click here.

To auto-share Podbean podcasts to social networks, click here.

To edit the audio files via the Podbean IOS App, click here

To edit the audio files via the Podbean Android App, click here